A big thank you to our community for your kind and generous donations totalling £1,235 and to Canary Wharf plc. for their donation of £500. ​
LCF has been able to provided thousands of FREE face shields to the following:
The Royal London Hospital * Lewisham Hospital * Neighbours in Poplar * The Royal Foundation of St. Katharine * The Yurt * Island Medical Centre * Jubilee Street Practice * Community Nursing in Wandsworth* Great Ormond Street Hospital * St Bartholomew's Hospital * Aspen Court Care Home * Whipps Cross Ambulance Station * Wellington Hospital *Co-op Food - Isle of Dogs * Chemitex Pharmacy * Riverside Nursery * John Tucker Home * Local buildings and estates including Dundee Wharf, The Mosaic, Basin Approach, Victoria Lock * Beaumont Court Care Home * Toby Lodge Care Home * First Love Food Bank * Barnardo's Children's Homes * St Joseph's Hospice * Richard House Children's Hospice * Silk Court Care Home *Westport Care Home * Hawthorn Green Care *HomeCoxley House * Hackney Food Bank * 34/35 Huddleson Close and Tower Hamlets Sheltered and Supported Care Office
It's clear that both the need and desire for this PPE was overwhelming at times. It was the generosity of our community that made this endeavour possible. But the possibility of something is very different from reality. This project only happened because of the hard work and many hours provided by these very special people:
Eleanor Hall, a local resident who assessed needs across care homes and food banks while organising and planning distribution.
Tia Shek, a local resident who gave hours of her time for assembly and inventory of the face shields.
Andy Hooper, a local resident who gave hours of his time each day, while scraping his (gloved) fingers to the bone during sanding and separating the shield bands.
Norman Ludzinski, a local resident and the unofficial technical expert of the LCF who consulted along the way with 3D printing technology and tweaked production efforts.
BikeWorks, Jim Blakemore and his team of (repurposed) cycling instructors who made the deliveries.
And last but not least, Florian Herrengt and Aline Francois, a local couple who saw the need earlier than most, reached into their own pockets to buy the printers and materials and took action. They effectively built a small factory and a distribution network to produce thousands of much needed protective devices. This project would not have been successful or possible without their creativity, willingness, knowledge and kindness.
Moving forward: What will happen next?
At this time the LCF is bringing to a pause our provision of FREE face shields. We have stored a number of shields, which will continue to be available at no cost via limeshield@limehouse.info. Production, however, has stopped for the moment The Executive and this Working Group have decided to pause production; all equipment has been placed in hibernation. We stand ready to re-start production if our community finds itself in need again. We'll review the situation weekly and with hope, luck and no second spike, we intend to conclude the project in September 2020.
We will donate any remaining funds raised for this initiative to the NHS. We will do this when the project is finalised and we'll produce a summary of the project and expenditure.
Then the 3D printers that have been used along with remaining supplies will be donated to local schools. The LCF will ensure that these printers which have served our community so well will be refurbished so that the schools receive working "like new" printers. This Face Shield initiative and legacy project demonstrates the true power of our community.
A huge thank you to everyone concerned!
Previous Post
​MARCH 2020
The LCF is now in partnership with the owners of a small local company who started an initiative to produce and provide face shield PPE. We’ve agreed to assist in funding and production of an unlimited number of these 3D-printed shields, to supply both front line workers and residents, if needed. LCF’s first priority for supply is of course the front line, but we expect to also be able to supply a face shield to every member of the LCF who needs one.
If you have a personal or household request for face shield and are a registered LCF member, simply email your request tolimeshield@limehouse.info
In the event that you are not an LCF member, you will be required to register below
There is no charge for these face shields; they are free for the asking. All the labour to produce this PPE is donated. The materials, however, cost money; the 3D printers are running 24/7 so need spares as well as the materials. We’ve set up a donation page; your donation can help both frontline workers and the community feel a little bit safer and continue this important programme.
The LCF has already distributed 200+ Face Shields , 50 to a local Care Home, Neighbours In Poplar and for use by local estate staff.
If you know of an organisation or group that would benefit from free face shields, please also contact us at limeshield@limehouse.info and let us know the details.
The shields can be delivered (BikeWorks a charity which has repurposed its cycling instructors to make local deliveries, is also part of this initiative). Alternatively, a convenient socially-distanced pickup can be arranged. The LCF is also making these face shields available to local shops and our colleagues at Limehouse Aid, who are dedicated to ensuring vulnerable residents are looked after. LCF has also provided Limehouse Aid volunteers with Hi-Viz vests for reassurance.
We’ll do all we can to help!
This LCF initiative will continue until there is no longer a need, or until funding is exhausted.